Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Good Morning All!
I  cannot contain my excitement but I want to keep whats coming up a surprise!  Let's just say this next post is going to be BIG! I appreciate all my supporters and hope that this feed has helped you make your college experience better!
Stay on the lookout for the next post!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pack Rat

Here is a quick video with some helpful tips when it comes to packing for college

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Yard Sale-ing"

Today is a short video post on the benefits of shopping at your local yardsales--Enjoy!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Freshmen Essentials

College is exciting and scary at the same time for freshmen.  Your first year is the experience of a life time filled with a lot of confusing and unfamiliar situations.  But have no fear!  Like many before you, you will make it through this hectic year with lots of positive memories and lessons learned.  Here is some advice today to help you make this first year a little less crazy.  This post today is a list of freshmen essentials that I feel were the most important items I needed to help me get through my first year at Troy.  I hope that this list is helpful and if any upper-classmen are reading please comment to post your additions to the list J

The perfect bedding:

We all know the infamy of college beds being comparable to sleeping on cement so prepare before you go by buying comfy sheets and blankets that will keep you warm, cozy, and comfortable.  Also, be sure to get yourself a good pillow (do not cheap yourself on this one…trust me).

A stocked medicine cabinet:

Be sure to take artillery of medications with you when you go your first year.  You are going to get sick; that’s a sure thing.  To help you stay as healthy as possible and help you effectively combat your illnesses bring any remedies at home that have been tried and true.  This will help you avoid last minute CVS trips and help you recoup faster by using what you know works.

Movies & Board Games

Your first year at college is not only a lot of studying but also tons of socializing.  As you meet new friends you guys will want something fun to do and bond over; rather than spend a bunch of money at Redbox or playing cards for the millionth time bring plenty of your own movies and games for friends to enjoy.  This saves money, gives you and your friends something fun to do, and helps give others a sense of who you are through your taste in movies and games.

Hiking Boots

Ok, so you won’t really need hiking boots (unless that is your shoe of choice) but you defiantly will need a pair of sturdy shoes to get you through the many months of walking from class to class.  Yes, shoes can be pricey but trust me on this one—invest now and save later!  I went through at least 4 pairs of shoes my freshman year and spent about $20.00 for each pair.  That $100.00 could have just paid for one good pair that would have saved me a lot of time and stress.

An Umbrella

Some of you may remember my rant about umbrellas in an earlier post—“When it rains in college, it pours!”  I still hold true to that advice and would like to stress how important a good umbrella is.  Be sure to grab a sturdy umbrella while on your freshman shopping spree so you are not left soaked in an afternoon rain-shower.

Good Music

Whether you listen from iTunes, Spotify, CDs, tapes, or records be sure to bring some of your favorite tunes to keep you sane and happy.  There will be many night you need your favorite song booming to get you pumped up to write a paper.

A Worn-in Hoodie and Sweat Pants

Disclaimer--These essentials are not to wear to class!!  These two items are simply comfort items for your nights doing homework or watching your favorite TV show.  Nothing is better than a well worn hoodie, comfy lounge pants, and a bag of PopSecret to complete a movie night!

Pictures & Posters

Cover your walls in things that make you smile!  College can be crazy at times, especially your freshman year, so keep yourself happy and upbeat by surrounding yourself with pictures of family and posters of your favorite bands and films.

The most important thing to remember when packing for your first year is to bring anything and everything that keeps you happy and healthy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting Prepared: Roommates

One of the biggest challenges all college students face is roommates.  When put in plainer terms the idea of paying to live with someone know nothing about is less than ideal.  Fear not!  Here are a few tips today to help you get to know your new roomie and hopefully start the relationship off on the right foot.

Get in Contact
Call, Facebook, email, text, or meet up with your new roommate BEFORE school gets back.  Most schools will provide some sort of contact information about your new roommates.  Get in touch in order to get to know them better and simply break the awkward ice that lies between two unfamiliar people.  If you are not sure what to say to them simply say:
"Hey!  I believe you and I are going to be roommates this upcoming fall; I am very excited to meet you and just wanted to introduce myself before we move in.  I hope you are having a great summer and if you ever want to talk or meet up just text me at 333-333-3333."
Once the chill of unfamiliarity has defrosted you guys may find you are going to get along just fine or you may have an early warning that this person may not be the best roommate for you.  This will give you more time to change rooms or possibly learn to live around their quirks.  Another plus of getting in touch early is getting to plan who will bring what to school (because when everyone brings a whole set of dishes and a broom the dorm fills up quickly with unneeded items--been there, done that).

Be Straightforward
When you meet your new roommate be yourself!  It is tempting to try and get along with them from the get-go but this can end up hurting your relationship later.  Be straightforward and true to who you are and expect the same of them.  Now, I am not saying to lay out all your beliefs and expectations on the table from day 1 but do not follow in my footsteps:
When I first met my freshman suite-mate she was excited about going on a shopping trip to decorate the dorm with all the roommates.  Now as you guys may know I am a tight-wad who will try to save a buck any way I can.  I didn't let my suite-mate know this and acted like spending a bunch of money on stuff we really didn't need was not just OK, but a good idea.  All four of us ended up splitting the total so we each forked out $50 on things like candy dishes and curtains.  I regretted this decision as soon as we reached the register and realized they thought that I was OK spending money like that.  This ended up hurting me later on when my roommate would constantly nag at me to go out to dinner even though I couldn't afford it.
So do not make this same mistake and let your roommates think something about you that is, in actuality, not like you at all.  Just be yourself and things will either work out or they won't but at least you will be yourself all the way through

Try Something New
Your roommates will probably come from a very different world then you.  Be open to trying new things with them (within legal and safe bounds).  Try new activities with them and learn about the things that they like.  In turn, invite them to learn and do things that you enjoy.  This sharing will help you guys understand each other better and create a better bond as well as give you guys something to do.

I hope these tips will help you and your new house mate get along better and have a friendship that lasts.  Do not fear all the horror stories you hear; yes, they are real but that doesn't mean they will happen to you and if they do you will survive just like those who have told them to you.  The biggest thing to remember is to have fun and enjoy your college experience!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Savings

So school is out again and it is the long awaited summer break!  All is exciting the first two weeks until you need to make some cash for next semester; and quick!  Today I am here to give a few suggestions on how to make some quick and easy summer cash:

1)  Piggy Bank
Start yourself a change jar of some sort if you do not have one already. At the end of the day drop any and all loose change you have into this jar.  By the end of the summer you will have saved up a few dollars for books, necessities like toilet paper, or even just laundry change.  This is not a huge money maker but you would be surprised how quickly all those nickels and dimes add up!

2) Work Weekends
Weekends are prime time for most businesses.  Although this is your summer holiday it is also important to earn every dollar you can for books and tuition. Take these prime shifts to get lots of hours and tips!
*On that note--save your tips!  Do not use all your tips as fun money; be sure to stash some away for the upcoming semester*

3) Be available
This one is a little known secret but a lot of restaurants could use your help. If you have worked the restaurant industry before bring your resume into stores offering to be available for open shifts.  You may not be technically "employed" there but getting paid a couple bucks under the table for a shift they really needed you for is a nice feeling.

4) Yard work
Offer to mow lawns and trim hedges around the neighborhood for a flat rate.  Neighbors will more than likely support your hard work to pay for college and enjoy the 3 months of no maintenance.

5) Consignment
Clean out your closet, your room, your basement, your attic, clean every room of the house and collect any unwanted items.  Sell these off at a yard sale, online, or at a consignment boutique.  This will throw a couple dollars your way to spend at school next fall.

6) Get a Job
Okay, this one is just a big fat DUH!  I understand, though, that this one is easier said than done; but hey there is no harm in trying.

I hope that some of these tips will help you save up a few dollars for this fall.  If you have tips of your own post them in a comment or email them to me to share on the blog :)