Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Touch of Campus!

So are you in love with your college campus? 
                                                           Is your dorm room still pretty bare?  
                                                                                                              Why not fix one with the other?  
Ok, enough questions! If you are in love with your college campus and need to spruce up your dorm room a little bit use pictures of your favorite places on campus to give your room character and the "college feel."
This project is super easy; all you have to do is take pictures of your favorite places on campus, print the pictures and put them in cheap frames either from a dollar store or thrift store (which you can paint your favorite colors if they are old and tacky). Be sure to buy a frame light enough to be held up by a push-pin or 3M hook, whatever your dorm allows.
That's it!  
Also, if you are not such a great photographer (such as myself) you can easily edit your photos online for free on sites such as  These will give your photos a great touch and hide any imperfections of lighting or photo-bombing trees and passer-bys.  Here are some simple photos I took with my phone and edited online.  
A replica of a Terracotta Warrior

A Bronze Stag Statue in the Park

Our Beautiful Lamps

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