Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows!

 Ok, most of you may not know who Sydney J. Harris is, I didn't  either until I looked him up upon hearing this quote.  Apparently he was a famous journalists back in the day who had a great opinion on education!  I believe this quote exemplifies what college helps us become.  But more than that I wanted to use this inspirational quote to open my next post guessed it--Windows!!!

So I am not that artistic but here is an easy example of
birds on a wire and team spirit!
So here is my first suggestion for giving your dorm windows a little POP!  Window makers are a cheap and easy way to let your imagination run wild!

Sorry for the terrible lighting!

Sorry for the bad lighting in this picture.  I wanted to show you guys how true to your personality you can make curtains.  I like designs that are more classic such as the simple mono-color curtain and gold, curly curtain rod.  Curtains are a super easy, cheap and functional way to make your room feel more like home!
              Curtain Audio

I Love Switzerland!
My lovely butterflies!

Here are a few other tips to give your windows that personal flair!

Clips like these work great to attach to
curtains or curtain rods.

I hope you guys enjoy these little tips to  add some personal  flair to your windows!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the bad formatting everyone! I am still figuring out Blogger :P
